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One of our main strengths is the use of a structured teaching program:

The programs were developed through years of dancing and teaching experience and are being constantly updated by the Salsa del mando team.

The main idea is to teach the salsa students basic elements at every level so that they create their own combinations and develop their own style according to their interpretation of the music. By promoting variations on the fundamental elements of salsa dancing we strengthen the ladies "following" skills as well as the men's ability to "lead".

Please have a look at my "Salsa Ten commandments" before you jump to the dance floor:

  1. The man leads
  2. The lady follows
  3. The lady is a princess and should be treated accordingly (breaking her arms and spinning her to death may not be the way to make her feel good)
  4. Keep the "hook"
  5. Keep the appropriate tension
  6. Respect your fellow dancers- stepping on other dancers feet is not a friendly gesture
  7. The teacher isn't always right (but I didn't say that).
  8. Keep the rhythm
  9. Listen to the music
  10. Smile!!!
Salsa is the stage for a playful flirt between the Lady and the Macho. The "dance flirt" is a key element and shouldn't be forgotten while on the dance floor. Remember: both dancers are trying to render their own, individual interpretation of the music while simultaneously reacting to their partner's movements.


A / AmV1 AmV2 AmV3
Basic step
Side step
Right turn + variations
Left turn
Shoulder slide

The "Check"
CBL outside turn
The "Love story"
Fake CBL
Pull back

Fake R turn
CBL inside turn
CBL iT + CBL oT variations
Reverse hammerlock
Enchufe M hook turn
M1 M2 M3
Shadow CBL
CBL Open
Open Break
The classic "windmill"
Half a moon variations
El Yoyo (repeated check)
Show the woman variations
Copa variations
Side Titanic variations
Fake Copa variations
Reverse CBL iT variations
Reverse CBLoT
CBL bb variations
Reverse CBL bb variations
Reverse-oT (from Copa position)
The Spiral variations
Basketball variations
CBL 360 + variations
Kutchi Mutchi variations
The box
Broken Titanic
Double Brian variations
Reverse half Titanic (L-L)
Advanced Windmill variations
Shoulder slide advanced variations
Reverse hammerlock advanced variations
The "Window" (from Right turn dementira)
Fake Titanic (man L hand on F R shoulder)
Half a moon advanced variations

Double CBL iT
El yoyo advanced variations
CBL oT dementira variations
U turns
Copa with CBL oT
Reverse Copa
CBL R7 advanced variations
Show the woman advanced variations
Kutchi mutchi advanced variations
Pull back advanced variations
"Pirate Titanic"
The "Tunnels" variations
The big tornado